
Testimonial from Gaby Van den Berg, The Netherlands

Date: August, 2019

Dear Elaine,

I want to share some more information on how my son, Tybalt, is doing with the Respen-A™.

His speech has improved. With this comes reading, focus and comprehension. Before Respen-A™, his reading skills were low. Instead of separating out words, like 'can think', he would read one word, eg; 'canthink'. Now, at just two months on Respen-A™, he has advanced from a third grade reading level to fourth grade, and he separates the words.

His comprehension has increased- I can ask him questions about the book he's read and he can answer every one, whereas before, he couldn't tell me anything.

Prior to Respen-A™ my son's interest in others was lacking. He would rarely ask questions of others, and when he did they were at a 12 year-old level instead of the maturity of my now 20 year-old. He is now engaging in the lives of those around him, asking more personal and complex questions. For example, he will ask his sister "what are you watching"?

His vocal stimming has decreased markedly. In transitional situations- like going outside, or going to bed, it was a 10. Now, just a couple months on Respen-A™, it is less, and he will lower the noise when I ask. Even though he can’t stop it, yet, he stims for a shorter amount of time.

I have noticed a slight improvement with bowel problems, and the OCD has gone from a 10 to a 7. One of his OCD behaviors is collecting papers. Yesterday he had pulled old papers from a day calendar and put them on the coffee table in the living room. I said that I didn’t want them laying there. Before the Respen-A™ that wouldn’t have had an effect. Now he said, "I will take them to my room". "Okay", I said, "you can take 2 pieces". He went upstairs and collected a bag, and then took about 10 pieces (left the other 40 on the table) and brought them upstairs. He then reminded me that we had to throw the rest away, and I said, "Yes, can you bring them to the box for recycling"? He replied, "Yes", and picked them up and brought them to the box.

Tybalt's self help skills have also improved. Before, he could attend to his needs at about a 50% level. Now he has started shaving himself, and he brings his plate to the kitchen when he is finished eating. He has started brushing his own teeth, and shaving, and doesn’t want help with this any more. It’s as if puberty and maturity suddenly started with the Respen-A™! "I don’t need your help anymore", he says, even though he is not doing it perfectly, since he only wants to brush the lower teeth.

Oddly, he now has body odor from sweat, which is new. He's also less hungry in the afternoon. I can only assume that the Respen-A™ has improved his digestion- I've read it helps with digestive enzymes and gut issues.

Overall, my son seems to be older. Last week he dropped his shaving machine and the part that is used as a trimmer broke. I had asked him a few days earlier what he wanted for his birthday and he said, "I don’t know". The morning after dropping the shaving machine he suddenly said, “Mom, you can buy a new trimmer for my birthday”.

We are still seeing gains and look forward to more!

Thank you, Elaine!

Testimonial from Charmaine, Ohio

Date: August, 2019

We began using Respen-A™ for our then 9-year-old son in April 2018. After just a day, I noticed increased awareness. I continued to notice positive changes and eventually was able to expand his diet to include gluten, dairy, and all kinds of foods that he couldn’t tolerate before. However, beginning in September, we started to struggle with the discs, no longer getting consistently good results. We tried adding back in some supplements, and tweaking his doses of calcium and magnesium, but nothing seemed to enable us to reach a steady state. Some days it seemed as though the disc was not working at all, while other days it seemed to work at least somewhat well.

Recently, while reading the Respen-A™ newsletter, I re-read the announcement about owning a microwave that leaks radiation. I hadn’t thought the problem applied to us since we store our discs about 6 or 7 feet away from the microwave. Regardless, I decided to test our microwave using my cell phone, and discovered that it was definitely leaking radiation!

We quickly purchased and installed a new microwave, and also ordered new discs. It became obvious that these discs worked better – our son has been calmer, less agitated and has had more focus since we began them. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but we are hopeful that he will continue to make strides with Respen-A™ now that the discs aren’t exposed to microwave radiation!


To test your microwave to see if the seal is leaking radiation: place your cell phone in the microwave and close the door. Call that cellphone from a different number. If the cell phone in the microwave rings, you need a new microwave! Otherwise, radiation is leaking into your home and will destroy the Respen-A™ if it is placed too close to the microwave, and even while your child is wearing the disc!

Testimonial from CJ, New York

Date: June, 2019

Hi, Just want to let you know that my daughter has been really nice to be around! I was terrified to take her off the marijuana but now that we have she is improving! I'm very grateful!!

Testimonial from Gaby Van den Berg.The Netherlands

Date: June, 2019

Meet Tybalt

I want to share some information on how my son, Tybalt, is doing with the Respen-A ™ . We are seeing good gains. After the first three days of use, he began asking for the disc because it made his body feel better. He is also communicating and reading better, and has started doing self help skills like brushing his teeth and shaving by himself because he says he doesn't need my help with them now.

This is a list of what I have seen in Tybalt since starting Respen-A ™ :

  • Verbal increase
  • Better reading
  • Body odor from sweat- this is new
  • Less intense verbal stimming
  • Started brushing his own teeth and shaving, and doesn’t want help with this any more. It’s as if puberty suddenly started with the Respen-A™! "I don’t need your help any more", he says, even though he is not doing it perfectly since he only wants to brush the lower teeth
  • Less hunger in the afternoon
  • Less OCD
  • More energy in the morning, less in the afternoon. I started giving 5 HTP because he was stimming more in the afternoon. This seems to have helped, but he has been lying down a few times in the afternoon since then. (NOTE from Team Respen-A™: 5-HTP produces serotonin, which produces he is sleepy)
  • When I wake him up in the morning I find that his sleeping is more relaxed. By that I mean his muscle tone is relaxed and he is sleeping deeply. He seems to have more energy because he gets up quickly after I wake him up (normally that could take half an hour and now it’s a question of minutes). He will then begin verbal stimming, as he always does, but about half an hour after putting on the Respen-A ™disc this becomes much less.
  • He is asking more personal questions. For example, the other day I told him I had finished reading two books. "What were the books about"? he asked with interest, and then listened while I explained the theme of the books.
  • He has now asked me to make a privacy sign for his door so his son rise team can’t disturb him- that surely sounds like puberty! We made a sign with private in red and on the other side welcome in green. He now can turn the sign so we know if we are welcome or not!

  • Testimonial from Mayra J. Arrendondo M.S., B.S., Biochemist

    Guillermo Mayra's son

    Date: April, 2019

    Before Respen-A™ , my son was verbal, but limited. When we introduced Respen-A™ his vocabulary exploded. His ability to recall or remember things gradually improved. Before Respen-A™, he was able to learn, but if we stopped practicing, he had to relearn things later. Now that his memory is good- I will say even better than good (as you can see from the video we shared on your Facebook page), when he sings he knows every word from the songs that he likes. Guillermo is able to focus on learning other things that he likes, too. He is able to understand and follow instructions easily, whether he is at home, school, the doctor's office, or any other environment.

    My son is also more social and playful, and outgoing to the point that he now likes to tease us, and even to prank his brother. Yesterday, his brother got desperate with him, and raised his voice. So I corrected his brother, and Guillermo came into the kitchen where I was, with a smile on his face, knowing that he had pranked his brother successfully.

    The only thing we are missing is for him to carry on a long conversation. As of now, we have understanding, memory, communication & socialization. All of this happened gradually, and I am anticipating that long conversations will happen in the near future.

    I hope this gives you a clear picture of Guillermo's improvements. He has been on Respen-A™ since May 2018. His protocol is so simple- I only use Respen-A™ and Immunocal. I am so grateful, and consider myself so lucky to have been able to find out about these amazing interventions.

    Testimonial from C Jones from Ohio

    Date: April, 2019

    This is the first Easter that our son has fully engaged in the Easter basket hunt -- he was able to read most of the clues I hid around the house, and was so excited to hunt for the basket. He kept talking about it afterward. Normally he just tags along behind his sister and doesn't really get the concept. So, we are making progress!

    Testimonial from Caroline Koch

    Austin Koch

    Date: March 7, 2019

    Dear Elaine,

    I just wanted to give you an update on my son’s progress from this past week. My son Austin is 10 years old, and autistic. I started Respen-A™ over a week ago, on a Friday. He immediately showed gains. The first day he was so calm, whereas before, he had been so aggressive and combative with me and his teachers. Anytime I said “no” to him, he would have a tantrum, or hit me or the dog, or throw things.

    Two weeks ago, his teachers were talking about a different placement for my son outside of the school district. For me, Respen-A™ was a last ditch effort after many biomedical treatments that I'd tried hadn’t worked. I had planned on finally giving in, and medicating him, and had an appointment booked for late March to get prescriptions.

    I can’t believe his overall change. The teacher on Monday, after only three days use of Respen-A™ , said he'd had a great day at school, with no behaviors! She texted me again on Thursday to say what a great week he’s been having, and that no behaviors were seen! He was even attending to reading, which is something he never did. He still can't read, but this new interest in having me read to him is a new beginning!

    Austin is also talking more. He always had some language, but minimal, one to two word phrases. He has since been able to string longer sentences together, adding in prepositions, and even correcting himself when doing so. At the dinner table last night, my husband asked Austin a question about school, never expecting an answer, but he gave an appropriate response, and we were dumbfounded! That has NEVER happened.

    Austin has definitely improved while wearing Respen-A™. This is all good news. I am so very happy to have found your product, and want to thank you for discovering this! It is amazing.

    Thank you.

    Caroline Koch

    Article submitted by Tyler’s mom, Kerri


    Date: December, 2018

    My son, Tyler, was diagnosed with autism at age 4. Following his diagnosis, all we'd known to do was to have him be GF/CF, because we definitely were not interested in putting him on the mind-numbing/stupor-inducing drugs that the doctor recommended. We saw the benefit of being GF/CF only in that we had no more meltdowns, but it did nothing for him socially, with focus, or anything else.

    Tyler has been using Respen-A™ successfully for 9 years now, since age 5. From day one, within the first 10 minutes use of Respen-A™, I saw dramatic changes in my son.:

    Initially, focus; I'd always struggled to have him be interested in any project for longer than a few minutes, or to teach him how to fit puzzle pieces together. Now, he was putting an entire puzzle together without help or meltdowns!

    Second, social behavior; he played with his younger brother in our backyard for 1 1/2 hours, riding bikes, climbing trees, and playing in the sandbox, only stopping to come in for lunch. In the past, my 3-year old would leave Tyler as soon as a meltdown had begun, and come inside to sit by me on the couch as we watched Tyler (pre-diagnosis) in bewilderment.

    Third, language; Tyler would only speak with my husband, myself and my other son, Kyle. Day 1 on Respen-A™ he was calling out the window to neighbors who had never heard his voice! And, that night, at bedtime, instead of speaking gibberish he had a real conversation with my husband and me, asking real questions about how our day went, how we felt and even offering advice!

    That first day on Respen-A™ was nothing short of a miracle, with gain upon gain that did not end until we turned out the lights at bedtime- and even then the miracle continued, because Tyler had his first full night's sleep in years! I used to check on him throughout the night and had always found him sitting up in bed, eyes wide heartbreaking to think back on.

    Respen-A™ is a game changer. No more gut issues, no social or focus issues, no toe-walking or thumb-clenching, verbal vs. non-verbal, life and friends vs. isolation, frustration and anger. AND, no more problems with gluten or casein- in fact, gluten brings more gains because it releases the serotonin so the body can utilize it!

    Tyler is a Life Scout on his way to Eagle, is a patrol leader in his troop, is on a year-round swim team and is ranked in the top 2 - 6 swimmers in the state in his favorite events, studies violin with a world class violinist, and studies composition, Latin, reasoning, math, debate and research in homeschool. I mention this because NONE of his coaches, teachers or scout leaders know that he has 'autism'. And because he is on Respen-A™, they will never figure it out!

    Thanks to Elaine's research, Respen-A™ has given my son a normal life. My hope is that all children see the gains that Tyler has.

    Testimonial from Salon, OH

    Salon' son
    Salon's son

    Date: December, 2018

    I started using Respen-A™ for my 14 year old autistic son in June of this year. Prior to that I'd sought and tried numerous dietary interventions, homeopathic treatments and nutraceutical programs. I'd let him eat gluten since day one of the Respen-A™, but had been giving him GlutenEase to help with digesting gluten. About a month into Respen-A™, I forgot to give that supplement a few times, and noticed no side effects when my son ate gluten or dairy. That's when I stopped giving him GlutenEase. In August, his integrative practitioner confirmed that he had no more food sensitivities!

    I was still giving my son some homeopathic droppers and supplements at that time, because it was advised by his practitioner. However, his OCD behaviors continued, and his progress in social skills seemed to come to a halt. We had also not seen any improvement in his verbal skills. I was telling myself that this was just the way it was going to be for him, but was encouraged by Elaine and Kerri to try letting go of the supplements and allow the Respen-A™ to do the balance work in his body.

    Honestly, I was scared to death at the thought of letting go of the supplements, fearing that my son would get worse again. Finally, I found my courage and decided to eliminate everything but probiotics* and FOS. Literally, the next day, my son started talking more, and he was even trying to crack a joke. He had never done that before! We were thrilled to see the changes in him.

    It has been about three weeks now. We're still seeing little changes here and there. It feels so free to NOT have to keep track of supplements! I look forward to seeing how much more my son can do with Respen-A™!

    *I did find out that one of the probiotics I was giving to my son had high concentrations of fruits and veggies that could present a problem with his MAO-A, which the Respen-A™ is trying to activate, so I opted for the 'clean' brand.

    Here is a new report from the mom of the boy in the photo above: This summer we were on a trip for about a week and he was fabulous! He was trying out new food and was able to keep up with the schedule. There was no complaining, and he was very compliant- even with constant changes of schedule. This has been one of the best trips we've had so far!

    Testimonial from Anastasia, Ilia's mom, Moscow, Russia

    Date: December, 2018

    My son is 7 y.o. His name is Ilia. Since starting the Respen-A™, my son has become more calm. He is going to school this year!

    My husband and I have also noticed that his stomach pain is gone, his anxiety has decreased, he has become involved in his classes, and it is easier to negotiate with him. This is seen not only by us, but also by other people. Everybody tells us that Ilia has changed for the better.

    Other parents ask what we are doing. I share the information that we apply the Respen-A™.

    Testimonial from Respen-A™ Mom, Suzanne

    Date: December, 2018

    My husband keeps wanting me to message you with updates. He doesn’t get so excited and hopeful easily. Today, Alex peeled his orange in a single-pieced spiral; his fine motor skills have improved drastically since using Respen-A™! My husband says “That is off the charts different behavior!” We’re so excited!!!

    Alex peeled his orange

    Alex has been on a special diet for years. Now that his body can process gluten, KitKat is his favorite candy. For the first time in his life, I didn't have to remove any candy from his treat bag! (photo below of Alex in his Halloween costume)

    Alex Halloween Costume

    Testimonial from Respen-A™ Mom, Suzanne

    Date: October, 2018

    We took Alex out to IHOP with us the other day and let him order whatever he wanted- he loved that. We only go out to eat a few times per year, and it's always to the same place (not IHOP). We always have a tablet to distract him, because he gets so impatient, and I order french fries immediately- but last Friday, the tablet stayed in my purse, and Alex waited for his food with the rest of us. He was a little squirmy, but he did a great job! That is a direct result of Respen-A™ ! It is very exciting!!!

    Also - we picked up my mom, stepdad and nephew on the way to the restaurant. Before we picked them up, I looked at the tiny middle seat between my boys and asked rhetorically, "Who is thin enough to sit there?" Alex automatically pointed at Calvin- it was hilarious! That's new too! Thank you so much for developing Respen-A™'s a game-changer!

    Testimonial from Solon, OH

    Date: September, 2018

    My son has been on Respen-A™ for 3 months now. The last time I took him to his doctor's appointment, the doctor said that his food sensitivity is gone! I'm so happy! Some positive changes I've seen are that he is happier all around, able to follow directions quicker, and to adapt to more activities during the day.

    His language development hasn't taken a leap- yet. I've noticed that he's been scripting less the last few days. I hope it'll become less, and less, as that impedes his learning and social interaction.

    Thank you for all your help! I believe Respen-A™ is worth it. It feels great to let people know that my son is off a special diet and that he is free to eat anything.

    Testimonial from Mayra

    Mayra's Son
    Mayra's Son

    Date: August 26, 2018

    Dear Elaine,

    My son is showing obvious improvements that I am able to pinpoint, even though I have been away for 6 weeks. We started the patch May 16, 2018, and I've been wanting to update you to be able to give you facts with a solid basis.

    I revisited your website with the purpose of really understanding why Respen-A™ works with my son. While there, I was really moved and impressed with Mathew's story- it's a beautiful story. My son was vaccine injured in July of 2015, so this has been a 3 year journey for us. He is doing great now, considering where we started, but it has been too slow for my liking.

    My son's recovery has been unprecedented. Prior to Respen-A™, it had been taking too long, because I was doing it one supplement at a time- the number one rule for me is "do no harm". Within the first month on Respen-A™, the greatest immediate change that we noticed with my son was almost no stimming. We also began observing a gradual gain of understanding and comprehension. We've looked forward to the start of the school year in order to see these improvements reflected at school!

    My son's diagnosis is Autism, PANDAS and the toxic effect of Metals (truthfully I think all of our kids have the same diagnosis, whether or not they have officially been given that label by a doctor). Before I had the official diagnosis, I had already started checking my son's viral titers, heavy metals, and neurotransmitters. Since I'm a Biochemist, I also did genetic testing, and ran his raw data through different databases.

    My approach was to assume that nothing was working correctly, and to make certain that I could give him whatever support he might need to ensure that every biochemical pathway would work again- or that it could be supported the right way to allow for proper pathway at a time. Also, my main strategy was to support his body at a cellular level, focusing on the mitochondria. The biochemical pathway that I'd left for last was the Biopterin pathway (his brain), as I was really intimidated by it, and inexperienced with it.

    My son's tests showed elevated levels in all neurotransmitters. Because I am really curious, I am excited to go back and retest for toxic metals and neurotransmitters in October, 2018, after 3 months on Respen-A™, and will share our numbers with you!

    Based on the data from your website, and my son's genetic susceptibilities related to MAO-A, I understand why I am seeing what I am seeing, and why my son has responded beautifully to the Respen-A™.

    Let me explain; part of his protocol has been using the Ion foot bath by AMD (I now know to use that therapy sparingly since it interferes with calcium absorption!). According to his toxic test results- base line and a later one-, his toxicity level has diminished considerably. However, now that Respen-A™ is in place, his foot baths are coming out really dark and dirty. Based on the newest research (great August article BTW), since MAO-A is one of the greatest detoxifiers of the liver, by activating the MAO-A with the use of Respen-A™, the liver is actually able to do its job. This is why his detoxification has improved not only in test results, but also visually.

    Now, since Respen-A™ has been able to make the MAO-A active, we have been able to observe significant improvements as follows:

    - His sensory needs are reduced to a minimum (arm flapping, hand pressure applied to his face for sensory reward)
    - He is more affectionate towards his grandma
    - He uses more complete sentences, and appropriately used words like: "I am glad you are here", said to his brother
    - He is able to eat pasta, and is tolerating gluten and food textures

    Respen-A™ has worked so beautifully for us, and we are so happy with my son's progress. I believe in paying it forward, and I believe everything happens for a reason. My son's injury could not be only about him. The bigger reason for me is in helping other moms recover their kiddos. I've shared our story with lots of moms of kids with special needs (especially Autistic), and this information will be good for them as affirmation of my son's progress.

    Thank you Elaine, for all your support.

    Regards, Mayra J. Arredondo M.S., B.S. Biochemist

    Article submitted by CJ's mom, Raychell

    Date: August, 2018

    My daughter was born perfect! In every way. She was a delight and a joy! When she began to regress, it was a heartbreak. We missed her smile, her laugh, her warm snugly body. She went so far away that I, at times, resigned myself to having to put her in a home. I felt she wouldn’t know the difference anyway. I experienced a total and complete sadness that could not be dulled or made up for by the two amazing boys I had.

    We have been fighting for our daughter. We have tried many interventions. We have experienced some successes as well. Unfortunately they are always unsustainable and she falls back.

    Day 1 Respen-A™ there was a shift. CJ was happier. Day 2 was also good. The next few days and weeks were filled with me SMS-ing with the amazing Respen-A™ ladies! They are amazing and patient. Together we have been tinkering with the patch, tinkering with the amount of cream and adjusting some supplements.

    Where we are right now: CJ is happy and much calmer. She has many more lucid moments. Her sentences are longer. She is producing more of a variety in her vocabulary. There is still vocal stimming, there is still scripting, and there is still low impulse control but all of it is tempered. The aggression and hostility are gone. We don’t miss it!

    Testimonial from Respen-A™ dad, Jim S.

    Date: August, 2018

    Another leap came the other night when my other son decided to set up Karaoke in our house since all the kids sing, and Ben found the microphone and began singing some verses to songs he could remember. He and all of us had a wonderful time. He did not have the awareness to do that before Respen-A™ . We love what you guys have done!

    Testimonial from Respen-A™ Mom, Suzanne

    Date: June, 2018

    "We started going through just a few of the developmental milestones a couple of days (after the May 2018 Newsletter arrived), and Alex has been so much more interactive already. Today he initiated playing with a few toys - and we even played together. It was fun, not forced. I noticed his motor skills have improved. Without even asking him, Alex came and sat down at the dinner table (we usually have a tantrum). Tonight he played games with me and sat through Toy Story! He never does that. It is unbelievable how he has grown in just a few months!"

    Article submitted by Andrew's mom, Jane


    Date: June, 2018

    Andrew is 11 years old, and is a very smart, outgoing, creative and kindhearted boy. He has been taking Respen-A™ for 3 months. We first used it as a month trial, to see how he would react to it. Within the first few days, I noticed that his attitude had improved so much that we decided to keep him on it, and that has been a blessing ever since!

    I really noticed the biggest difference when we went a couple days without Respen-A™. The weekend had come, the routine had adjusted, and I forgot to put it on. It was like a night and day difference from when he was taking it, to the few days with it off.

    Respen-A™ has helped Andrew with his anxiety- he can now have a normal, calm conversation with us without getting tense and defensive. Before, we couldn’t ask a question without him getting upset, and eventually, he would just shut down. If we asked him to do a chore it was like pulling teeth, a constant battle- not saying it goes away, but the aggression behind the attitude has dissipated.

    Respen-A™ has helped Andrew with school while staying focused, keeping anxiety levels down to be able to focus, and being aware of his actions. We have also seen his grades improve! Andrew now, without me asking, puts the Respen-A™ disc on himself every morning, because he knows I have my hands full with our other two children. We couldn’t be more proud of how well he behaves, and his attitude towards us! We still struggle with normal,everyday, teenage boy stuff, but now it’s tolerable. We can’t wait to see where we are a year from now!

    Article submitted by Alex's mom Suzanne


    Date: May, 2018

    Alex is 10 years old and has been taking Respen-A™ for almost 4 months. Almost immediately after starting the patch, he was calmer and less combative. He is more flexible now. An example is our after-school routine. When Alex gets off the bus, we take our car to pick up my older son. Before Respen-A™, Alex was very upset because the last thing he wanted to do was get back in a vehicle. Most days were a struggle. It is surprising how something so trivial could cause so much stress. After a couple of months of using Respen-A™, Alex has no problem going to pick up his brother after school. He now seems shockingly happy to go!

    One of our main concerns is bathroom use. We have had him on a strict bathroom schedule since he was young to avoid accidents. We only really had to worry about accidents in the evening before bedtime, but it was very stressful. We would take him to the bathroom sometimes every half hour and still have a mess to clean up. Almost immediately after starting the patch, he became more self-sufficient. The issue has been resolved! He is no longer on a specific bathroom schedule. It is AMAZING! My husband says that if this was the only benefit from using Respen-A™, it is worth it!

    Speaking of bathroom issues, the other day Alex was upstairs longer than usual, so I went to check on him. I found him by the stairs, and we went into the bathroom. The toilet had some toilet paper in it and it looked like it had overflowed (not the best toilet). There was no water or mess anywhere, but a couple of wet towels. Alex had cleaned up the mess and done a great job! That has never happened before, and I am certain that this behavior was because of the Respen-A™.

    Our other main concern is communication. Alex is talking more- he only says a few words at a time, but he is more vocal and uses a variety of words. He asks for help quite a bit. He also responds more often to what we say. His comprehension seems better than before the disc, and he is getting better feedback from school as well.

    We are very happy with Alex’s results so far, and I am actually surprised that he will keep the disc on his back. Before Respen-A™, he wouldn’t even keep a bandage on when he needed one! Now, he will ask for his patch- he must notice the changes too!

    Article submitted by Austin's mom, Janet


    Date: April, 2018

    Austin, 26, has been on RespenA™ for about a year. It has helped him control his obsessive thoughts and speech about dates, times and events. It has also dramatically lessened his disappointment when there is a disruption or change in his expected schedule. Life became much easier, and much more enjoyable for him when he was able to relax about potential and actual schedule adjustments!

    Austin is a talented, intelligent young man who lives life to the fullest despite having minimally verbal autism. His days, by his design, are full from beginning to end. He works two part-time paid jobs, and volunteers at three more, including ushering at a local playhouse so he can watch the plays for free. Because of his deep love of learning, he audits a college class every semester, currently microbiology. He takes piano lessons, and enjoys all types of music, especially classical.

    An avid exerciser, Austin works out at the YMCA ,or at home daily, lifting weights, swimming and logging about 35 miles weekly on the treadmill. He also enjoys travel, and his favorite cities (so far) are San Francisco, New York City, London and Paris!

    Austin enjoys being involved in his community, and meets people he knows at every turn. He is our local autism ambassador! We look forward to further improvements for him as we begin to implement new tips that we've just gleaned from Team Respen-A™!

    Testimonial from C. Jones

    Date: April, 2018

    We are seeing great things with Respen- A™ for our son - increased language, increased interest in reading, better mood, and learning, finally, to ride a bike! I feel like a light switch goes on when he gets his toast!

    Testimonial from G. J., mom of a 5-yr-old Respen-A™ user

    Date: April, 2018

    Before starting Respen-A™, my son had been on a GF/CF diet for two years. I wasn’t familiar with inositol, so I chose to give him some gluten even though I felt quite uneasy about it. I began by giving him just a little every day. My son usually behaves as though he drank 5 coffees in the morning, and I was surprised to see that when I increased his dose of gluten, he became much calmer.

    Testimonial from Respen-A™ Mom, Suzanne

    Date: April, 2018

    Alex just had his IEP, and PT was removed from his services because "Alex is able to access his educational environment successfully without the need for assistance to do physical needs." He will be starting a mainstream PE class soon as well!

    The speech therapist was very excited because she used a communication app, and he did great with it. We've tried them in the past and he was never very interested in them. He was using the app at a higher level than they expected. At this point, we are mainly concerned about his communication - so this is AMAZING!!!

    Testimonial from Angie

    "On the original Respen-A, Keagan showed steady progress in his ability to communicate and his social skills. He would engage in play with his class mates and family. He is able to control his mood and outbursts very well. When switching to the new Respen-A, I noticed a slight change in each of his abilities. It’s like it fine tuned the progress he already gained. He seems more interested in things happening around him and asks a lot more questions about things he doesn’t understand or know. His speech has changed slightly, in the respect of him trying harder to communicate and trying many new words he never used before. He is much happier and seems to laugh and play more with the new Respen-A. The best way to describe the difference I noticed in the two formulas, is there wasn’t a huge definite change, like I noticed in all the previous versions, but it improved on and fine tuned the changes and progress already obtained. I definitely like this new version and plan on continuing use.”

    Testimonial from Shelley and Kevin Lutz

    The following is a summary of updates from a parent whose 8-year old son, Kevin, had been using the Respen-A Blended Chord for several months prior to switching to the new Respen-A disc. The parent reported seeing improvements in her son with the Respen-A Blended Chord but much greater gains have been seen with the new Respen-A disc.

  • Increased patience even at Christmas time with a lot of people around. Everyone present commented on how good he was. He carried on a conversation with those present and even initiated conversation by asking questions. This was new for him especially with several people being in the room. He actually had fun this year opening presents. In the past, Christmas has been too much commotion for him to deal with.
  • He is now playing with his toys for extended periods of time whereas before he would only play for a few minutes and then lose interest. He also is asking for others to join him in play which is something new.
  • His vocabulary has greatly increased and he is using longer sentences.
  • He was able to sit still while getting his haircut.
  • He is being very helpful—folding clothes, washing dishes.
  • His teachers at school who were not aware of the change from the Respen-A Blended Chord to the new Respen-A disc, have remarked that he is doing very well in school. He is standing in line quietly, talking more and asking the teachers questions. He is being very helpful in the classroom such as passing papers out to the other students when asked. He is playing with other children at recess and patiently waits his turn such as when playing jump rope.

  • Interestingly, after only one day of not wearing the new Respen-A disc due to delayed shipment of the next month’s supply, he threw his calendar outside into the snow because he was upset. After two more days the disc arrived, and he again had a great day at school which has been maintained while using the new Respen-A disc. He is now receiving “Excellent” on his daily reports from school. After resuming the new Respen-A disc, his mother asked if he remembered throwing his calendar outside into the snow, and if so, why did he do it. He replied that he threw it to get someone’s attention because he was hungry but he couldn’t use any words. With the Respen-A disc on he can verbally communicate.

    Following are the actual emailed updates from Kevin’s parents, who have given MedDEV permission to publish these emails. The emails are listed from earliest to most recent to portray the timeline of these improvements.

    Date: December 19, 2012

  • Kevin Lutz is trying the new Respen-A patch 12c-12c.
  • Kevin is describing new things. He laughed because his sister was peeking around the corner. He is saying new words.
  • He is reminded his dad to eat breakfast.
  • He reminds mom to take off the patch at nighttime.
  • He just gave his dad some water in a glass. He has never done that before!
  • He has been alot more quiet and calm. Before he was loud.
  • He answers our questions right away. That is new!
  • He listens better!
  • His answers are very clear. Before he was quiet when he answered us.
  • He has been laughing alot more. He seems very happy!
  • We asked Kevin if he liked the new patch. He said “I like the new patch instead of the other patch.”
  • He asked us to turn the channel instead of just turning the TV off.
  • Kevin moves his hands a little bit more with this patch than with the other patch. For example, when he sits down, he moves his hands in the air, just for a little bit.
  • He is saying alot more words with this patch. He is talking a lot.
  • Date: December 21, 2012

  • Kevin is still quiet and calm. He is becoming a very good listener. He is doing so well with this new patch!
  • The teachers said he did all his work very quickly and did a great job. He gets graded everyday at school. He received an “E” for excellent all week. The teachers said “Good job Kevin!” They were all very proud of him!
  • They had a Christmas program at school. Kevin sang and danced during the practice program. He laughed and had a great time. First time ever! Everyone at school said he did a great job.
  • He is using more words and asking alot more questions than he was before. He is remembering more words all the time.
  • He sat and watched the movie “Santa is Coming to Town” for an hour. He has never sat and watched TV for that long. Previously he might watch for only five minutes or so.
  • We went and looked at Christmas lights last night. Kevin said the lights were very pretty. When we got back home, Kevin asked “Mom did you like the pretty lights we saw?” I said they were very pretty. This was the first time he has asked about the Christmas lights. He said he had fun looking at the Christmas lights. He also said “Thanks for driving us around to look at the Christmas lights.” These are new words! He sits and looks at the tree for a long time. This is the first time ever! Kevin says he likes the tree. These are new words! He is really interested in Christmas this year! He counts on the calendar, knows what day it is and what is happening that day. Something new. Previously he did not know.
  • Today Kevin told his teachers “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and no homework, right?” First time ever!
  • Date: December 29, 2012
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Kevin has shown alot more patience with people at Christmas time. Everyone said he was so good. He talked to them and he would ask them questions. They were surprised that he was so quiet. That is new, especially around a large group of people.
  • He has been speaking many more words, with longer sentences. For example: he said “It is snowing outside, and it is very cold too.”
  • He had fun opening presents this year at Christmas time. That is new. Usually Christmas is just too much for him to deal with, too many people and too much noise, but he just had fun this year. He played all the next day with his new racetrack and four cars. That is something new. Previously, he would play for a little while, and then he was finished. A big change! In fact, he had such a good time that he was asking everyone if they would play with the racetrack too. Something new!
  • Kevin told his dad where we went in town. He said we went to Michaels, then we went to Fred Meyers for some food, then we went to a pizza place and brought home pizza for everyone. That is new! He doesn't usually tell his dad much. So he has talked alot more to his dad, and that is great!
  • Kevin sat quietly while I cut his hair! He was so still! He was really good! Usually he doesn't sit very long, and he moves the whole time you are cutting his hair. His haircut looks good. Kevin even said his haircut looks really good! He also said “Thanks Mom!” He is showing much more patience than before.
  • Date: January 15, 2013

  • Kevin did not have his disc on for 3 days. The first day he threw his calendar outside in the snow. The second and third days he had “okay” days at school. We received the disc order on Wednesday. Once the disc was on, he had a great day at school. He was very helpful: he passed the papers out to all the kids in the classroom, he stood in line to wait for a turn to play jump rope, and he played really well at recess. He was also helpful at home: he folded clothes, he washed dishes, and he washed the counters.
  • Kevin had an IEP at school on Thursday. The teachers said that Kevin was doing an excellent job at school around his classmates. He was very helpful, he stood in line really well, he was talking more to the teachers and he was also asking alot more questions.
  • Kevin met all his goals. All the teachers said he was moving forward and doing a great job. Mom is so proud of Kevin! He is doing a great job!
  • Date: January 18, 2013

  • Kevin was asking to go to the animals in town, so we went to see the rabbits and fish in town since he asked very nicely. Good job Kevin!
  • He is using more words all the time in longer sentences.
  • We had a birthday party for his Aunt Sandy. We all played card games. Kevin waited very patiently for his turn. He was so good and helpful. He cleared the dishes off of the table with his cousin. That is new. He even said “Happy Birthday” to Aunt Sandy - that is something new. We all had a good day. Kevin helped make homemade ice cream with his cousins - that is something new. Birthday parties get a little loud, and it did not bother him, which it usually would - something new.
  • On Monday, Kevin said his sister and he had a lot of homework to do that day. That is something new.
  • Each week Kevin gets a report on how he does every day at school. He got an “E” for excellent. He also received a paper apple with alot of stickers on it. This was recognition for all the work he did at school, just like the other kids in the classroom. He did more than they expected him to do. GREAT JOB KEVIN! The teachers are very proud of Kevin. Kevin is moving forward and doing a good job!
  • He is asking questions like “How are you today?” He also says “hello” to everyone in the classroom. Something new!
  • He is saying alot more words, he is asking alot more questions, and he would like to have answers to the questions he just asked. Good job Kevin!
  • He is doing really well! This is neat!
  • Date: October 7, 2013

    "Kevin is doing very good at school this year. He walks to class all on his own. He has been doing all of his work and homework on his own with no help from us or his teachers.

    We went on vacation in June to see my brother and their little baby girl. We haven’t been on vacation in 6 years because Kevin just would not go anywhere. Since he has been on Respen-A, we were able to go and Kevin had a blast. We went to the ocean and played in the water. We went to the zoo and we all had a great time. Kevin was so good everywhere we went. We all had a great time and Kevin asks every day if we can go back to the ocean.”

    Date: June 17, 2014

    We drove to Gilroy and stayed there for the night. I told Kevin it was going to be a long drive just like last year. He was fine with the drive. Then we drove to Disneyland the next morning. He was excited to see where we were going to stay. We went to Disneyland that night to see what was happening there. He was so good there. He would tell you what he wanted to eat and where he wanted to go. He liked the hotel, asked to go swimming. There was a lot of kids around and it didn't seem to bother him.

    That was good news. He was just great there. He was telling everyone that he was Happy, and he had a great time.

    The next day at Disneyland we started with splash mountain, he had a great time getting wet, he was right in front . We went on that ride 4 times, he tried Indiana jones and waited in line for 45 minutes and he was fine. He had alot more patients. We rode on 29 rides in two days. He like a train ride, the big thunder railroad. We went on that ride 4 times. He stood in line for 1 hour to ride lighten mc queen, A car race. He had a blast and he said he wants to go back. Wow this is just amazing for Kevin. Kevin has changed for the better since he has been on Respen -A 0.25 - 12C. It has really helped him so much with life in general for Kevin being on Respen - A. He communicates him everyone around him, not just Mom. He listens , and has so much more patients.

    He can be around alot of people and kids , and nothing seems to bother him, like before. He talks to people, kids and they talk back to him. Something new. He tells everyone that kevin is just happy. This is great. He is improving everyday.

    We are still on a 1/4 of the disc of Respen A , 0.25- 12C. He is doing fine so far. The first two days at Disneyland, I forgot to put on the disc. He was so good. So the next day , kevin asked to have his disc on. So I put the 1/4 of the disc on.

    Since we have been home, kevin talks alot about Disneyland and he met Mickey Mouse , pooh bear and pluto. We got our picture taken with pluto, kevin thought that was neat.

    Then we drove to Huntington Beach, and we played in the ocean, he had a blast.

    Kevin told everyone that he wanted to stay in Gilroy at the same hotel. So we did and he told everyone that he wanted to go swimming, so we did.

    We all had a great family vacation.

    This is nice to be able to go places and have fun.

    My family says, Thank you Elaine.

    We also went to Santa Cruz and played on the beach, with alot of people and noise and It didn't bother Kevin. This is good. We all just had fun. Kevin is happy and he smiles a lot. This is nice. Respen-A has helped him alot.

    Kevin helped pack is own bags to the hotel and to the car, he was very helpful, something new. Kevin made honor roll again, at school . He was really good through the whole year of school. He talked and communicated really good. He teachers were really happy with him, and he did his work and was patient and he played really good with other kids and he would asked them if he could play a game , that they were doing. The kids liked him. So they would include him. Something new.

    Testimonial from Paulette

    Just a quick update on Sam and the Respen-A™.  The changes, at first, were so subtle and very slow but now they are kind of piling on top of each other and becoming more obvious.  Sam now tells us if he wants a "dot" or not. It seems like on the days he wears it, he may have a rougher day, but the next day he has a really great day. We have gone as long as 4 days without it.  Partly to see if there was any regression and partly to make sure his BM were regular.  We are getting much better at dosing the magnesium.  

    His language is really coming in and he's starting to do things that he should have done as a toddler, like pretend play, it's like he's going back and doing some developmentally appropriate things. He is so much more aware of his surroundings and the people in it. He's commenting on the weather and paying attention to when the dog needs to come in and go out.  His memory has improved quite a bit too. And on the days we do not use the dot, he seems to retain all his gains. Just wanted to keep you up to date on our case. --Paulette

    Testimonial from Lara

    "We took Jack to the pediatrician when he was around 18 months old, and when they discovered he was only saying one word (mama), they decided to refer him to a developmental pediatrician and a speech therapist. The new pediatrician wanted to be cautious and recommended ABA for Jack. Tricare paid for him to have ABA 5 days a week, speech one day a week (45 minutes), and then occupational therapy one day a week (after speech recommended it).

    We also started the GFCF diet and noticed some improvement, though we only stuck with it for two months. Around that time, I made an appointment with Dr. Kurt Woeller. He prescribed multiple supplements, Diflucan, and Methyl b-12 shots. We noticed significant improvements with these. When he posted information about Respen A, we immediately got some and have been taking it ever since.

    From the time we met Dr. Woeller until now, Jack has gone from mute, lacking engagement, and screaming every minute to not being on the spectrum. We noticed continual improvement, but Respen A gave him the final push. He started to concentrate better at school and was able and eager to write. He now draws about 20 pictures a day and will sit and focus for extended periods. He is in a regular preschool class. Though he still tends to be a loner, he has several friends, and the teachers love him."

    Testimonial from Marcia

    Matthew is a 7-year-old boy with autism. Every three weeks a therapist at the school works with him to try and get him to communicate using a computer but all efforts have been unsuccessful until 3 weeks after starting Respen-A. Below are two transcripts from his teacher. The first one was 3 weeks after being on Respen-A and the second transcript was done 6 weeks after being on Respen-A.

    CAN YOU BE SMART IF YOU CAN’T TALK -- by Matthew – Feb. 2010

    This correspondence was typed between a 7-year old low functioning Autistic child and his Teacher after 3 weeks of being on Respen - A. He had not been able to respond before.

    Mathew (In Black) Teacher (in Red) FC w/Lisa 2/12/10

    Hi Matthew, I would love it you would type your name with me

    Great job, let’s try to type some more!
    Twinkle twinkle little (I wanted Matthew to just type the next word “star”) He had his own ideas!!

    Yes, you can be VERY smart even if you can’t talk!! Some people can’t hear and they are very smart. Some people can’t see and they are very smart. Not talking has nothing to do with being smart. (I also explained that after each word you can put a space to show your word is done. He picked it right up!!)
    Veryyhaappyvvery nnic too tell you I aam smart

    I know you are smart. Mom will be so happy to see this, do you want to type to her?
    Yes ggive herr tthhis tto read very happy to tell hheer I llovee heer

    That is a nice note to mom, she will love it, do you want to say anything else before you go?
    Vvvery hhaapppyggreaat too be ffreee from mmy body bbbleess be ggodd

    This next session is after being on Respen -A for 6 weeks Matthew FC w/Lisa 3/04/10

    Hi Matthew!
    Get the fun typing

    Are you telling me that typing is fun?
    Would you like to type to Mom or Dad or Andrew?

    He tries ttio get me mad but I just happy
    He very funny

    Who is he?
    Mathew verbally said
    “Andrew Andrew” (This is the first time he has ever said his brother’s name.)
    Zzvery happy to type to Andrew he willl be very happy

    What would you like to type to Andrew?
    Get him the nice very big tv

    I bet he would like that! (Spontaneous he typed back)
    teach mom how to do this

    You would like mom to learn how to type?
    Yess then then her typ e to me at homde

    Would you like to type more or are you done?
    Type mmore very happy
    Better to get great great vuyse by typing better than bnot talking