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Respen-A™ News

January 2024 Respen-A™ Newsletter
PST Page FAQ Preview Sampler
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November 2023 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Respen-A™ User Becomes Internet Phenom
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September 2023 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Oxalate Sensitivity
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June 2023 Respen-A™ Newsletter
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April 2023 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Mitochondria and MAO-A
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Feb 2023 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Antidepressants and MAO-A
Respen-A™ is also for Anxiety, Depression, ADD/ADHD, Bipolar, and more
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December 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Smart Meter Protection
World Autism Rates and MAO-A
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September 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Respen-A™ and ADD/ADHD
MAO-A The Tree of Life
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July 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
PST Unveiled
My Theory on the Rise in Autism, by Elaine DeLack
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May 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Pyroluria and feedback
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March 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
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January 2022 Respen-A™ Newsletter
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November 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Methylation Problems
That’s a Good Question…
Phenols & Respen-A™
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September 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Developmental Milestones…What is the Connection?
Why You'll Need to Teach Your Child How to 'act' Their Age...after they are at baseline on Respen-A™
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July 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Elaine Answers EVEN MORE of your Questions!
What’s it Like to Work With Elaine?
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May 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
A Mom’s Journey With Respen-A™
Elaine Answers More of Your Questions
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March 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Elaine Answers our Questions
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January 2021 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Meet Elaine DeLack, CEO and Founder of MedDev Inc., Developer of Respen-A™ (reprint of most popular post of 2019)
Elaine has Developed Homeopathic Discs That Many Benefit From
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September 2020 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Video Testimonials From Respen-A™ Users
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July 2020 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Phenol Sensitivity
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May 2020 Respen-A™ Newsletter
I Don’t Always Get it Right…!
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March 2020 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Could our Latest Discovery be the Answer to Pyroluria and Phenol Sensitivity?
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January 2020 Respen-A™ Newsletter
New Year Updates
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October 2019 Respen-A™ Newsletter
Is Your Child Deficient in the Enzyme Phenol-Sulfur-Transferase?
More Feedback From a Parent Regarding June Article on Clearing Lyme, etc.
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Spectrum Publications has published articles, in print and online, for many years about issues related to Autism. Editor Cris Italia posted this article December 7, 2010 on Facebook:!/spectrummag?v=wall
Please read it -- and pass it on to others who might find it interesting and important!

November, 2010: Respen-A is featured in our advertorial in Spectrum Magazine, for the Autism and the Developmentally
Disabled Community. Read the advertorial in Spectrum!

November 1, 2010: Dr. Kurt Woeller was interviewed about Respen-A™ on the Live Webcast, "The Autism Today and Beyond Internet TV Town Hall Series - Implementing solutions for autism tomorrow." Watch the interview

Saving Graison: Respen-A Working? - Blog post September 4, 2010
My son, Graison, is 23 months old. He has been diagnosed with Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder...

News Release May 13, 2010: New Treatment for Autism 'Holds Promise'

Science behind “Respen A” presented May 28 at Autism-One/Generation Rescue Conference, Chicago

(SEATTLE) – A new, homeopathic treatment for autism, Respen-A, improves symptoms of autism associated with communication, speech, emotion and bonding, according to the researcher who created Respen-A, Elaine DeLack, RN.
DeLack will present her scientific theory at the annual Autism-One Conference on Friday morning, May 28th, at 10:30AM in auditorium “Director A/B.” DeLack and other Respen-A representatives will also provide information about the new
compound at their booth located in the Pavilion of Exhibitors throughout the weeklong event.

Unlike theories that center on negative reaction to vaccinations, DeLack considered data regarding exposure to a commonly used drug used during delivery in combination with brain enzymes that affect infants’ brain at birth, and again in early childhood.

DeLack’s hypothesis (which can be viewed in slide show format at, connects children with autism to the mother’s use of epidurals during childbirth. Epidurals were introduced into this country in the 1960’s. By the mid-80’s, 22 percent of women received an epidural during delivery. In the mid-90’s, the number grew to 67%. Today, nearly 90% of women receive an epidural during pregnancy.

DeLack contends that the development of autism is not due to the actual epidural procedure, but rather the effect of a “cocktail” of drugs used throughout the procedure, including one drug commonly used in conjunction with the epidural to
induce labor: Pitocin. In combination, the drugs have the potential of skewing the brain if the infant is unable genetically to process the drugs quickly through their system.

Pitocin crosses the placenta to the infant’s system during childbirth. The drug requires adequate production of an enzyme found in the liver (CYP 3A4) in order to rid it from the body. If the infant has a genetic inadequacy of the CYP 3A4 enzyme (found more often to be lacking statistically in boys than girls), the drug’s intensity elevates in the infant’s system, builds with another naturally occurring neurotransmitter that plays a key role in very early brain development: the hormone Ocytocin.

Ocytocin builds naturally in the brain during the first 7 – 10 days of life, ensuring that nerve patterning develops as it should in the brain. Once Oxytocin levels reach a naturally predetermined level, the development of the brain’s nerve system (HNS system) ceases.

DeLack theorizes that the addition of Pitocin and epidural-related drugs into the bloodstream of infants without adequate CYP 3A4 genetic enzymes, causes brain development to “shut off” early, stunting crucial neuro-development.

A second enzyme may explain why autism shows up in many children around the age of three or so. The enzyme MAO-A is essential in regulating serotonin levels in the brain. Unaffected by the drugs used in childbirth, MAO-A levels remain high in the first years of life, assisting brain function. The impact of MAO-A may, in fact, cover symptoms of brain impairment in infants and toddlers.

MAO-A levels diminish as the child ages – allowing serotonin levels to rise, impacting the areas of the brain associated with communication, speech, emotion and bonding. Many parents of autistic children don’t realize their child has been
affected until their child shows issues with speech, communication, and bonding.

Respen-A curbs the level of serotonin in the autistic brain, allowing for more normalized function. Respen-A is being prescribed by physicians – and many parents are seeing dramatic improvement. If further study upholds the theory, birthing procedures
could change. “We see promise in all of this,” DeLack says. “Further study will determine if simple modification during childbirth could be all that is needed to stem the surging tide of autism,” states DeLack. And for those who have autism?

“Respen-A could give them a quality of life that they – and their parents – deserve.” Respen-A is administered via a topical disk. A prescription is needed, and a daily calcium supplement is also required. For further information about Respen-A, go to

According to the Autism One conference website, this year’s title is “Autism Redefined 2010.” Jenny McCarthy will be a keynote speaker. Six “tracks” or areas of emphasis will be offered to conference participants. One of the tracks focuses on Homeopathic Medicines. Elaine DeLack will speak on Friday, May 28th, at 10:30AM in auditorium “Directors A/B.”

REPORTERS WISHING TO INTERVIEW ELAINE DELACK MAY CONTACT HER AT 425-870-9366. Elaine may be reached via email at